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Support Army Cadets and Cadet Corps

The purpose of the Army Cadet Foundation is to develop a capital fund through fund raising and the acquisition of asset and to hold, protect and distribute funds for the purpose of securing the future of the Army Cadet League of Canada, a qualified charitable donation, and support national programs, training of leaders and improving the health of local corps.

For further information you may refer to the Army Cadet Foundation By-Law 6

Board of Directors – Officers of the Corporation

  • H. Eugene Lake (President)
  • Philip Sherwin (Treasurer)
  • Gilles Déry
  • Aubrey Halfyard
  • Debbie Craig
  • Robert Meating
  • Terence Whitty (Secretary)
Memorial Donations

The following individuals have donated to the Army Cadet League of Canada in memory of a loved one.

Mr. David McIntosh donated to the Army Cadet’s Expedition Fund in memory of Mr. Stewart Duncan McIntosh.

We thank you for your generosity.