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9.1 – Membership in the Army Cadet League of Canada

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1. During the Annual General Meeting 2009, there was a consensus that there should be a single national membership in The Army Cadet League of Canada (ACLC). This form of universal membership would empower the National President and the Executive Committee to credibly represent the League’s national interests across Canada. The ACLC could then tap into a broader pool of membership and strengthen the foundations and overall leadership of the organization.

2. Membership is open to persons 19 years of age or older subject to acceptance of an application. CIC officers are permitted to be members subject to the military regulations in existence. There shall be ordinary members, Life Members, and corporate member

3. The terms of this Membership Policy 9.1 is subject to By-Law 9, Article 2 as amended from time to time.

4. A suggested membership application template for ordinary members is attached at annex “A”.

5. Corporate membership shall be granted through negotiation and on authority of the Executive Committee.

Concept of National Membership

6. All members in good standing of the provincial and territorial branches as well as those approved by the national council are automatically ordinary, corporate or life members as authorized by a motion of the national board of governors amending By-Law 9, article 2 on April 10th, 2010 and confirmed by national council on December 14th, 2010, later reconfirmed in By-Law 9.

National Dues

7. Members remit membership dues to the National Office or to the provincial or territorial Branch where their membership is registered in accordance to the constitution or By-Laws in force at the Branch or the National Office as appropriate. Dues paid to a Branch shall be retained by that Branch.

Members in Good Standing

8. The status of “member in good standing” shall be the definition described in By-Law 9, Art. 2.06.

Membership Roll

9. In accordance with By-Law 9, Art. 2.09, the National Office shall maintain a list of members. Branches shall provide annually to the National Head Office a list of their membersin-good-standing no later than 31 March in accordance with By Law 9, Art. 206) which will include the following minimum information:

  • Name
  • Postal Address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address

10. All other information as required by a Branch shall be maintained by that Branch.

Privacy Statement

11. The Army Cadet League of Canada respects the privacy of its members and associates. As part of our commitment to these individuals, we may ask for personal information such as an address, phone number, and date of birth. We collect personal information in order to fulfill our duty of care to the cadets, volunteers, and League members of both The Army Cadet League of Canada and the Royal Canadian Army Cadets. We do not make our member lists available to any outside organizations, nor will we sell these lists or allow them to be mis-used in any way.



Annex A – Membership Form

This form is now offered in an electronic format to make allow for an easier and secure payment process. Click on link to access form.